Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"If Freemasonry is good, let us talk about it" Theodore Meriam - Part 5

PHYSICAL IMAGE - by this I mean the physical facilities which we possess, such as Lodge Halls and cemeteries.  I also mean the physical image that is presented by individual Masons themselves.  First, let us talk about physical facilities.

This Memorial Temple is a tremendously impressive building.  It does its public relations work very well indeed.  It HAS quality, dignity, substance.

Does your Lodge Hall do the same relatively in your community?  In some cities, yes - in too many, no!

The Oklahoma man said, "get the birds' nests off the window sill" - and he's right!  PERHAPS there's the chance of a real project in your Lodge - a do-it-yourself project.  Or perhaps it's time to build the new Temple - MAYBE you town needs it!

What I am really suggesting here is that every Lodge should take real pride in the physical appearance of its meeting place, both inside and outside the building, and I believe it should be very hard to find any excuse at all to do anything but a first class job of housekeeping at all times.  The same applies to those Lodges which happen to possess their own cemeteries, or sections within community cemeteries which are allotted for Masonic use.  It is really important that these cemeteries, or sections thereof, be maintained in the finest possible condition - for these places are a constant reminder to those who visit them of the existence of Masonry in the community.

The public relations of the individual Mason can be, and ofttimes is, constantly at work.  The Mason who is looked up to for his every action is constantly bringing credit to the Craft.

On the other side of the coin - the Mason who creates a bad impression, in whatever field of activity it may be, can bring discredit to the Craft.

(I am in the women's clothing business, and in our business we are concerned about what our female employees wear "off the job" as well as on.  Our salesgirls make an impression at ll times - and we want it to be a good impression!)

This reminds me of another item; a detail perhaps, but nevertheless important.  Clean aprons at all public functions are essential if our image is to be good; and this is good public relations. (Clean aprons at Lodge meetings are important, too, because of the psychological effect on each of us as we wear the apron.)

Now let's return to our public relations definitions.

From Webster "...to interpret itself to society."  This is the basic theme. I am suggesting that we as Masons in California become concerned about our public relations - that we be alert to all means at our command to interpret ourselves, as Masons, to society - and above all, that we do so with DIGNITY, with full attention to the QUALITY and SUBSTANCE of our beloved Fraternity.

QUALITY, DIGNITY and SUBSTANCE attract good men.

BUT - they must see and sense them to be attracted!

Public relations for us is not just newspaper stories.  It is much, much more.  And it's our duty to recognize and use all the facilities at our command to project our IMAGE to the public, and I trust it's one of QUALITY, of DIGNITY, of SUBSTANCE.

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